Sunday, January 2, 2011


It's resolution time! Yesterday during Hangover Breakfast 2011 at our place, someone started asking what our resolutions were. I don't think we got around to everyone, but it seemed most people had things they wanted to do in the next year to improve their lives.
I don't normally make resolutions because I never keep them...or I make them absent-mindedly and never really put much focus into them, but there isn't much harm in making a resolution or two if you don't put too much pressure on yourself - so I have a few...

1. Eat healthier. This would mean less salt, more vegetables. Salt is my favourite food group, so I know this is going to be difficult.
2. Quit Smoking. For the second time...I had a good handle on myself a couple of years ago. I know I can do this again. I want to be over the cigarettes by the end of January.
3. Swim more. This one is going to be easy 'cause I'm marching right over to the Hillcrest pool tomorrow and getting a six-month pass. It's ten blocks or so from school, which is gonna be perfect.
4. GO CAMPING. I haven't gone in four years. I think it's time to sleep in the woods again.
5. Get my learner's license. Uhhhhm. 'Bout damn time I try this whole driving thing again.
6. Less fear, more confidence.
7. Spend more time with my friends, have company at the house, meet new people....try more socializing.
8. Make new meals! New food! At home!

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