Sunday, May 30, 2010


I was just looking at an online magazine for women, and I saw the user name 'Menstrual Poetry".

Monday, May 24, 2010


1:09:55 to run 10K!
Not too bad - goal for next year: 50 minutes

Sunday, May 23, 2010

October 1, 2006 (or, Reading Old Live Journal Entries)

kodiak blazer poncho pullovers. [Oct. 1st, 2006|06:59 pm]
time is open, could be lost
look for, make it something like a solid, like an origami whale
standing on the kitchen cupboard
the lights low and the wires tangling
up to the air, stale like the stuffy house
crooked on all ends.

spread time thinly on a crumbly cracker
dropped on the floor face down
take it on a two-hour walk
by arguable measures
rusty screws and see-saws
sandy pits ,receding footsteps
swishing denim jeans, knobby knees hit.

pop fizzly crackling nails
sore thumbs and baggy eyes.
chalked up concrete
one two threefour five
skipped up drowned out
fallen glass, broken love.
knots in the crevices,
blue sky heaven, twigs in a vase.

pounding down the pillows
fixing up the bottles,
slipping through the floor
dancing down the stairs into the yards
cats flying and birds are preying
the lines go upwards beyond
out of sight.

i'm going to be late
late for it all
nothing that i'm missing
but i could be missing most.
1994 when i was nine
i was lighting old shacks on fire
and feeding horses apples
from my hand
yellow weird
lips and but oh
so pretty nice tails and brushed out

i dont know but whenever i'm ready
time really is
by general standards.

My baby eats like a dog!

Going along with the theme of laughing at people, there was a family of two sisters, each with their children - one about twelve and one about..oh let's say, one - sitting on the couch.
While two of them were eating their pancakes and omelettes, the mother of the small child kept him entertained. She gave him a little piece of food and instantly everyone at the table howled in laughter. The mom said something like, "He looks like a dog!"
The mom! She said that!
And everyone kept laughing!
She says the kid resembles a dog, and he just keeps smiling!

Minutes earlier, I was asking the twelve-year-old if he wanted two pancakes or three, to which he replied three, and I said, "Yeah you want three!" His aunt said, "Need you even ask?" And we laughed.
Adolescent boy then proceeds to sulk, aunt says, "Oh, c'mon honey, you're a growing boy!" Boy continues to shrink back and stare at the floor.

See the difference? You can say whatever you want to a baby, and as long as you're laughing or smiling you're loved by the little guy forever!

But always remember that rule only applies to babies.

Young and Sassy

Remember when you were twenty?
Just think back.
From what I can remember I was pretty ridiculous. Actually, I was extremely ridiculous...
And what got me reminiscing today was when two girls (about twenty or twenty-one) walked into the restaurant and sat down. I walked up to them with two glasses of water and said, "Can I get you something to drink besides water?"
One looks up at me with her non-prescripted eyeglasses and says to me very quickly (while chewing gum furiously), 'Yeah. I'll have an espresso.'
I said, "Okayyyyy - " while thinking to myself, 'What twenty year old North American girl drinks a single espresso?'
"Er, ah," she cuts in. *chew chew* "I mean like - "
Her friend cuts in with a very quick, "They have regular coffee here, it's good." She looks at me and says, "Your coffee's good, right?"
She'd never been to the place before.
I give a small smile and said, "Yes - two coffees, then?"
Simultaneously, while chewing gum and twirling hair and pulling out their art books with their fancy pencil crayons, they answered yes. And asked for the coffee black, which makes me assume that they think that's the way it's supposed to be sipped. Sophistication.
And after ten minutes with their coffee, I walk by and one says, "Ummm, do you have soy milk for the coffee?"
The think about being twenty, you're insecure as hell - unless you're really lucky and have these amazing parents that have somehow bred a wonder child who's got their shit together for real. When met with a somewhat intimidating situation you either show how stupid and inferior you feel, or you fake it by assuming confidence, assertiveness, snobbishness (any/or). I don't really get the snobby part, 'cause no one gets ahead by being a dick, but whatever. I guess there's something glamourous about thinking one is better than another.
It's funny, because while they're thinking that they're assuming their cool positions well, I'm telling my boss about them in the back and we're laughing about it.
Which made me think about how many times people had probably been laughing at me.
Which really, is okay, because I was a stupid idiot. But in my defense, because I will always think I'm more mature than everyone else my age, I'd like to think I was a nice and respectful stupid idiot.
Anyway, as my serving their table went on, the girls relaxed and it was an overall pleasant experience. They're probably cool kids.

But their drawings were shit.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Farewell, You're Faraway

Today is the day before my friend Aaron moves away.
Today I will shed a single tear as I wave at him while he walks away, down the sidewalk, down the road, down to his girlfriend's place where he will rest his head one last time, then Blake will pick him up in the morning and then he'll go down to the airport, then all the way he'll fly down to the East Coast to get his accent back.
I wish him well.
And as I've said many times on all of my other blogs, I am going to miss him very much.
Who am I going to sit and do Sudoku with?

Thursday, May 20, 2010

how I'm spending this morning

Q/The Current

Coffee (strength depends on how the coffee machine is feeling...contemplating graduating to a new, expensive one. Today's coffee is strong. Good.)

Looking at garden

Thinking about how I dreamt about my radishes last night - they were beautiful. I dug them out at our BBQ.

Thinking about washing my face.

Thinking about emptying out that orange juice bottle that has been sitting on my counter for two weeks. Fearing that it will explode.